Very enjoyable reading, as usual, old friend. As I read, I could not help but wonder if the church you were referring to was the University Methodist Church. You probably remember being a groomsman and photographer at a wedding in the chapel there many years ago. Enjoy Longview and your new life and I shall look forward to your perusings from time to time.
I enjoyed the column, old friend. As I read, I could not help but wonder if the church to which you referred was the University Methodist Church. It seems to fit the description and locale details you provided. You probably remember being a groomsman and a photographer in a chapel there, many years ago.
Enjoy Longview and your new life. I shall look forward to reading your perusings from time to time.
Thanks, Don. Yes. it is University Methodist, which I could see out my office window. I do remember the ceremony, albeit vaguely. My memory is pitiful at times.
Ran into a buzz saw at UT, which was a bit disconcerting. But everything works out in the end. I'm glad to finally be able, once the house sells, to live with my family and quit this long commute.
Take care, and I hope you keep reading.
Thanks for the trip down Memory Lane. I think it was the Magnolia Club. If you remember the Army-Navy Store was in the same block as a kid I loved to that store. Mr. Brightwell owned and operated the Burger Chef ( Mobberly and Birdsong). He lived in the house on Birdsong directly behind the BC.
Your description made me almost envision these two old guys doing their thing. I drew an analogy between their relationship and that of my brother and I. We too are up there in years.
I remember seeing a grave stone near that of my parents years ago that carried an inscription something to the effect that
"Here lies old Tom - , he spent his years well, working among us on Earth and has now begun his eternal work. He will be forever remembered as history has a way of repeating things."
Ha! Ha! Ha! (for ten minutes)
My daughter's mother-in-law is a Quebeqese lady and she taught her children and anyone else who wanted to learn to sing that ditty (Irish). But no one remembers ever being given the translation. I guess you could say that it is one of the most well kept secrets of all time.
Last week you spoke of snake photos. It was prophetic, in a way. My wife went to the early show - movies with my daughter the other night. Daughter brought her home about 9:30 pm and they began ringing the doorbell. After a bit, I went to investigate - wondering who the h... was making all the racket. It was my wife. She wanted me to see the western diamondback rattler that was lolling in front of our door.
My next door neighbor and his wife often take trips - towing a trailer. You should see the conglamoration of gadgets, chains and safety hookups on his rig. He told me that he had an experience like you described early on in his traveling career and wanted to make sure it will not happen again.
Anything mechanical can fail but a lousy weld???? That courts disaster. I am glad to hear that you survived both incidents.
Joe: I have a similar story with a water moccasin that parked itself in the garage by the door and wouldn't leave. Even though I'm a peaceable sort, I finally had to kill it with a machete since it refused to exit the premises. And yes, the trailer incident could have turned out quite ugly, as well as my demand for a refund. Both were tense moments that turned out OK.
Looking forward to being back in Longview, living with my family (finally!) and seeing what mischief I can stir up there. I plan to keep writing long as the the dear Lord lets me. Best, gb
Great blog. Really enjoyed it. After living in New England 15 years, I became a die-hard member of Red Sox Nation. But in my study, I have my Mickey Mantle autographed photo from the restaurant on the wall with my Red Sox 2004 Wold Series Champs hat hanging next to it. ANd yes, the building is now a church.
Thanks, David, for taking the time to write. Here's hoping the second half of the season is better than the first half. You never know with the Red Sox. I will never forget the 2004 season, even after I have likely forgotten everything else. Best, gb
In the early 60s, we lived on East Radio St, right behind Gibson's. I remember a Tony who owned H&T Sporting Goods on S. Green. Could this be the same Tony you're thinking of?
Your mention of the River Road Drive In brings back memories of warm summer nights and my fascination, as a child, with the wonderful neon animation on the back side of the screen tower. I wish I could find a photograph of it.
My other fond childhood recollection is of the Saturday morning kiddie matinees at the Arlyne, downtown on Methvyn. The Arlynene was a beautiful theater and, as a child I was fascinated, and perhaps just a little titillated by the illustrations of the lovely, scantily clad ladies that graced the theater walls.
My grandmother owned the cafeteria that was between the Arlyne and the Brass Rail until the late 50s or early 60s.
If you grandmother was a lady named Mrs. Cummings, we lived next door to her on Padon St. She gave me a pretty pink slip for graduation. I worked as a cashier at the Arlyne when I was in high school Thanks for all the memories. I remember all these places very well
Gary, we had carpenter bees at our house in Longview. The only thing I found that worked against them was a well-swung tennis racket. Over the years, I must have served up tens of dozens of aces with those slow moving bees. They kept coming back and back. Good luck with them!
Congratulations on your new position at Kilgore College.
As a former member of the Flare staff, I can assure you that you are inheriting a great program created by an outstanding person. I'm sure you will enjoy working with the students, staff and administration. Once again, congratulations and I wish you the best of luck with your new position.
Thanks for the kind words, Craig. Sorry for the delay in replying. I didn't see your comment on the "About" section of the blog. I am well aware I have big shoes to fill and will certainly do my best to uphold a fine tradition. Take care and hope to see you at the alumni luncheon in September. Best, Gary B.
Thank for the sweet and uplifting memory of Rayford. We were neighbors in Nacogdoches back in the 90's. I recall a day he came from golf and walked all the way around his yard very cautiously as he did not want to scare the concrete cardinal in the birdbath. A great man!
For some reason, I cannot see a single thing I am typing. It's like ghost typing and it's creepy... Anyways, I do not take all the credit for my son's love of the written (typed) word but I would like to point out that I was just such a reader in my youth. and I am still such a reader. I go through several books a week and have so many that they are spilling out of my bookshelves and are stacked everywhere in a potentially murderous pile. I don't care. I love them. Reading is wonderful fuel for the imagination and I've encouraged such a love since Connor was very small. If I do nothing else for my son ever, at least I have helped to do this: foster a love for reading. I apologize for any errors as, again, I can't see a single thing I've written.
Sorry you can't see what you were typing, Shalon. I don't know why it does that on some computers. Certainly the fact you read and encourage Connor to do so has a huge impact. He talks about how much you read. Again, sorry for the glitch.
Very happy got you. Far too many of us get put out to pasture before we are ready. It,s good to see you back in the saddle doing something you know, love and are good at. A very good way to grow old.
Hi Randy: I'm thrilled to have come back in from the pasture. It's going to be a lot of fun and hard work. Thanks for your kind comments and stay in touch. Best, gb
Hi Gary,
I “re-invented” myself a year ago after leaving the Sentinel (30 years) and moving to SFA as director of arts information for the College of Fine Arts. Starting my second year here now, I still have the deer-in-the-headlights look many days, but not every day. You’ll do fine at Kilgore; think about how many of us you have “taught” over the years. Congrats on your new chapter, and best of luck.
Hi Robbie: It is good to hear from you. I was wondering what your were doing these days. Thanks for the kind words. I am sure this is going to be a great adventure, though I will always miss those heady days in the newsroom. You did a fine job as managing editor, and I'm sure you are an asset to SFA. Take care, gb
Thank you for sharing this wonderful story of a man that few knew but that we all aspire to be like. Our thoughts and prayers remain with Mr. Reel and your family.
As a health care worker, as a citizen of the Ark-La-Tex, as the daughter and daughter-in-law of two veterans who are no longer with us, I would like to offer you all my prayers, good thoughts, and wishes for you and your family. No sense can be made of an incident like what happened to Mr. Teel, so I won't attempt to understand it or offer you rationalizations.
I only want to let you know that all of you are in our hearts this Thanksgiving. Bless all of you, but especially Mr. Teel.
Becky Carroll
[...] away at 3:25 a.m. Thursday, Dec. 5. (If you missed last week’s piece, you can read it here: Once again, I am struck by the devotion and care these nurses provide to their patients. “I love [...]
[...] you’re just now arriving at this story, please go to these two articles: ( and [...]
[...] (If you’re just now arriving at this story, please go to these two articles: ( and [...]
I cannot figure out why an east Texas boy would want to watch the Red Sox in a World Series, but I'm sure that's in a column somewhere. ;-) As for cutting the cord — we did it six months ago (Roku & antenna) and are quite pleased with our decision.
Adam, I was born in New Hampshire and lived there until I was nearly 13. My mother's family are all Red Sox fans, so I had no choice. My parents moved to Longview in 1968. In 1967, my dad took me, my brother Scott and a buddy to Fenway on the next-to-last game of the year, when the Sox tied for the lead in the American League. They clinched the AL pennant the next day. I have an autographed baseball from Carl Yaztremski (sp) from when he won the Triple Crown that year, a feat that was only duplicated last season. I paid way too much money in 2007 to watch Game One of the World Series in Fenway. (Back when I was making good money as a publisher. Sigh. I always figured eventually they would find me out and know I had risen far above my raising.) Anyway, I have loved the Red Sox since I was able to read. It's in my Yankee, French-Canadian genes. Julie, Abbie and I will be sitting behind home plate at Fenway on June 16. There are few places I would rather be than Fenway on a summer evening.
Cheeers! gb
My name is Wayne Greer and in 1969 I was the composing room machinist at the Longview News. I can relate to all the items that you mentioned. I still have a make up rule that I carried in my pocket for many, many years, Miss thowe day in a way.
Thanks for writing, Wayne.In 1969, I was the short kid with black-frame glasses who would wander through the composing room, fascinated by the process.
Gary, I also remember these tools, as well as the blue line pencil. I'm thrilled that my son will be learning the business from someone with such talent, experience, and obviously respect for the importance of the written word. I look forward to checking out Mount Pleasant in the near future.
Connie: I forgot all about those blue-line pencils. I really look forward to Tanner joining us. I know he'll learn a lot and also contribute a great deal to the paper. The sooner the better!
Way back when, you weren't the youngest publisher, I was. Let me know if you find a place with a good single malt for 53cents. Enjoy your seniority. I still don't know what I want to be when I grow up either.
my mother remembers this day as well. She had been telling me the story of her aunt that had TB and was a guest of the sanatorium in pembroke. You may also remember that. She then went on to tell me of her other aunt, Loretta, who strangled Susan. She remembers her father's heartbreak as he told her what his sister had done. You're not alone in this memory, that's all I wanted to share.
Thank you,
Thank you for taking the time to write. It was one of those tragedies that has been seared into my memory. I do not remember the place in Pembroke, but I was just a kid. Take care.
Gary, i love your wife, too! I have the fondest memories of her as a professor and friend. Please do tell her how much I still think of her. I'm so profoundly happy to hear that you are well and happy!
Our dads were giants in their respective fields, weren't they? While cleaningg out Mama's house I found a picture your dad drew of John Wayne. So detailed. I have it, and would send it to you. If you would like to contact me with an address, I would be happy to get it to you. Great story about your dad.
Thanks, Mitzi. The John Wayne pic is a print, and I have a few hundred of them. It's very kind of you to offer to send it to me, but I have plenty. Please keep it, or give it to someone who will appreciate it. Regards, Gary B.
I think 30 decades is a little too much. If my "old school math" still works, that equates to something like 300 years.
Still love your columns - over decades.
Gary, I had a memory shared on facebook today written by you about Dr. Sadler and the last 9 days of Mr. Teel's life. It was so touching especially considering the horrible events that occurred that day.After I re-read your post, I began looking at your site. You are a great writer and I loved the story of Rosie. It was all I could do to keep from looking at the end to see how it came out. I live in Hallsville but I grew up in Gilmer. I went to school with Julie, she may or may not remember me, as Marsha Martin. We weren't in the same class, I didn't know her well but I always thought she was so sweet and had a beautiful spirit. I think Jim used to be married to a friend's daughter, Shalon Bunn. Their child is about the same age as my grandson. My sister, Cara Wallace, now Smith, lives in Avinger but goes to Hopewell Methodist out from Gilmer, and last I heard Jim still goes there. So much of Rosie's story hit home with me. I am about to message my sister to read this article, she will enjoy it too. I just wanted to say "small world" and I also prayed along with many, when Mr. Teel was injured. I was a L&D nurse there for 17 years. Did you ever hear the story about Dr. Sadler diagnosing his own abdominal aneurysm ? It is a story I loved and admired. I hope Rosie is still with you and doing well.
What a saga, Gary! The really concerning thing is the high blood pressure. I didn't know about the blood thinners. Why are you on them? A friend of mine from undergraduate days has been on blood thinners for a long time but just got the okay to get off them. It's possible that the much healthier diet she got on has made the difference.
09 February 12 at 3:30pm
Love your new website....Great job.
09 February 12 at 8:49pm
Thanks, Pam. I'm excited about having a lot more versatility on offering up content than before. Best, gb
09 February 12 at 6:52pm
Beautiful, Dad. East Texas is lucky to have you back.
09 February 12 at 8:49pm
Thanks, Mere. Do you get much spam in commenting. Man, I'm getting hammered. Just erased about 80 bs posts. Love, Dad
10 February 12 at 3:19pm
Gary, New site looks great! Good job! Little Brother Gregg
13 February 12 at 8:26pm
Thanks, bro. Getting hammered by spam for some reason. About 90 comments today, roughly 20 legitimate.
13 February 12 at 12:51pm
Very enjoyable reading, as usual, old friend. As I read, I could not help but wonder if the church you were referring to was the University Methodist Church. You probably remember being a groomsman and photographer at a wedding in the chapel there many years ago. Enjoy Longview and your new life and I shall look forward to your perusings from time to time.
13 February 12 at 1:13pm
I enjoyed the column, old friend. As I read, I could not help but wonder if the church to which you referred was the University Methodist Church. It seems to fit the description and locale details you provided. You probably remember being a groomsman and a photographer in a chapel there, many years ago. Enjoy Longview and your new life. I shall look forward to reading your perusings from time to time.
13 February 12 at 8:23pm
Thanks, Don. Yes. it is University Methodist, which I could see out my office window. I do remember the ceremony, albeit vaguely. My memory is pitiful at times. Ran into a buzz saw at UT, which was a bit disconcerting. But everything works out in the end. I'm glad to finally be able, once the house sells, to live with my family and quit this long commute. Take care, and I hope you keep reading. gb
13 February 12 at 4:06pm
Thanks for the trip down Memory Lane. I think it was the Magnolia Club. If you remember the Army-Navy Store was in the same block as a kid I loved to that store. Mr. Brightwell owned and operated the Burger Chef ( Mobberly and Birdsong). He lived in the house on Birdsong directly behind the BC.
13 February 12 at 8:25pm
Hi Gaylon: Forgot about the Army-Navy Store, which I loved as well. I still have a weakness for those places. Thanks for writing. Best, gb
16 February 12 at 7:27pm
Oh, I'm sorry to hear about that. I'm glad he was comfortable in his rocking chair in his last moments.
17 February 12 at 10:54pm
Just absolutely beautifully written. So sorry for your loss.
01 March 12 at 10:25am
A belated thank-you, Denise. Had to get a glitch fixed so I could actually see the comments. Hope you're doing well. Best, gb
20 February 12 at 11:20am
Your description made me almost envision these two old guys doing their thing. I drew an analogy between their relationship and that of my brother and I. We too are up there in years. I remember seeing a grave stone near that of my parents years ago that carried an inscription something to the effect that "Here lies old Tom - , he spent his years well, working among us on Earth and has now begun his eternal work. He will be forever remembered as history has a way of repeating things."
26 February 12 at 11:29am
Hi Gary! I really like your new web site! I'm enjoying all of your columns!! Keep up the good work! love, Aunt Gail
01 March 12 at 10:25am
Thanks, Aunt Gail. I'm happy with the site and looking forward to adding even more content. Love, Gary
01 March 12 at 10:00pm
I like the new website. Always look forward to the columns and have for many years.
01 March 12 at 11:34pm
Thanks, Kevan. Hope you're doing well. I appreciate your loyalty and kind words. Best, gb
11 March 12 at 7:03am
Ha! Ha! Ha! (for ten minutes) My daughter's mother-in-law is a Quebeqese lady and she taught her children and anyone else who wanted to learn to sing that ditty (Irish). But no one remembers ever being given the translation. I guess you could say that it is one of the most well kept secrets of all time. Joe
16 March 12 at 11:27am
Wonder what all them there lime rinds come from?? Good question for Mr. Jackson and Mr. Buffett
16 March 12 at 5:48pm
They come from iced tea. That's my story, and I'm sticking to it.
29 March 12 at 7:49pm
Last week you spoke of snake photos. It was prophetic, in a way. My wife went to the early show - movies with my daughter the other night. Daughter brought her home about 9:30 pm and they began ringing the doorbell. After a bit, I went to investigate - wondering who the h... was making all the racket. It was my wife. She wanted me to see the western diamondback rattler that was lolling in front of our door. My next door neighbor and his wife often take trips - towing a trailer. You should see the conglamoration of gadgets, chains and safety hookups on his rig. He told me that he had an experience like you described early on in his traveling career and wanted to make sure it will not happen again. Anything mechanical can fail but a lousy weld???? That courts disaster. I am glad to hear that you survived both incidents.
29 March 12 at 7:57pm
Joe: I have a similar story with a water moccasin that parked itself in the garage by the door and wouldn't leave. Even though I'm a peaceable sort, I finally had to kill it with a machete since it refused to exit the premises. And yes, the trailer incident could have turned out quite ugly, as well as my demand for a refund. Both were tense moments that turned out OK. Looking forward to being back in Longview, living with my family (finally!) and seeing what mischief I can stir up there. I plan to keep writing long as the the dear Lord lets me. Best, gb
01 April 12 at 6:51pm
Now that you are moving back to Longview, what are you going to do about your job(s)?
01 April 12 at 8:50pm
Well, I'm no longer at UT. So I'm working on a book, trying to gin up some freelance work, and pondering next steps. Thanks for asking. Best, gb
05 April 12 at 2:31pm
I love your website and your columns!
05 April 12 at 11:15pm
Thanks, Tonya. Hope all is well with you. Best, gb
06 April 12 at 12:22pm
If we have to look at 140 houses to find your home, that's what we will do! I am enjoying the search. It's fun with the right people.
29 June 12 at 7:26am
Keep plugging !!!
06 July 12 at 8:17am
Thanks, Kevan. I will, Lord willing.
06 July 12 at 6:24am
Gary, the location is, as you say, just west of H.G. Mosley at the corner of 80 and Rockwall Drive. There is a Christian school there now.
06 July 12 at 8:16am
Thanks, Jerry. That's where I thought it was, but I don't trust my memory much these days. Take care, gb.
11 July 12 at 1:18am
Great blog. Really enjoyed it. After living in New England 15 years, I became a die-hard member of Red Sox Nation. But in my study, I have my Mickey Mantle autographed photo from the restaurant on the wall with my Red Sox 2004 Wold Series Champs hat hanging next to it. ANd yes, the building is now a church.
11 July 12 at 11:41am
Thanks, David, for taking the time to write. Here's hoping the second half of the season is better than the first half. You never know with the Red Sox. I will never forget the 2004 season, even after I have likely forgotten everything else. Best, gb
28 September 12 at 7:17am
I agree. There are so many much more important issues our legislators should be addressing vs voter fraud (fictional voter fraud,).
02 October 12 at 10:23pm
Thanks, Kent. At least so far the courts agree.
02 October 12 at 11:34am
Another good one, Gary
02 October 12 at 10:22pm
Thanks, Randy
31 December 12 at 2:50am
In the early 60s, we lived on East Radio St, right behind Gibson's. I remember a Tony who owned H&T Sporting Goods on S. Green. Could this be the same Tony you're thinking of? Your mention of the River Road Drive In brings back memories of warm summer nights and my fascination, as a child, with the wonderful neon animation on the back side of the screen tower. I wish I could find a photograph of it. My other fond childhood recollection is of the Saturday morning kiddie matinees at the Arlyne, downtown on Methvyn. The Arlynene was a beautiful theater and, as a child I was fascinated, and perhaps just a little titillated by the illustrations of the lovely, scantily clad ladies that graced the theater walls. My grandmother owned the cafeteria that was between the Arlyne and the Brass Rail until the late 50s or early 60s.
03 January 13 at 3:02pm
I remember both well.
27 May 15 at 5:48pm
If you grandmother was a lady named Mrs. Cummings, we lived next door to her on Padon St. She gave me a pretty pink slip for graduation. I worked as a cashier at the Arlyne when I was in high school Thanks for all the memories. I remember all these places very well
07 February 13 at 10:42pm
Sincerely enjoyed this personal insight. Thanks for sharing.
08 February 13 at 1:00pm
Thanks, Randy. Hope you're doing well. gb
14 February 13 at 6:54pm
Awww! So sweet!
15 February 13 at 10:06am
Thanks, Denise. Hope you're doing well.
14 February 13 at 7:25pm
15 February 13 at 10:05am
Thanks, Tamara. I hope you and Peyton are doing well.
16 February 13 at 1:27am
Life has been the same here too. Balu and I are still dealing with curve-balls, just that they are easier to fend off when you have one another.
23 May 13 at 11:15pm
Gary, we had carpenter bees at our house in Longview. The only thing I found that worked against them was a well-swung tennis racket. Over the years, I must have served up tens of dozens of aces with those slow moving bees. They kept coming back and back. Good luck with them!
24 May 13 at 4:04pm
Alan, That sounds like an excellent idea. Plus I can get some exercise at the same time. Hope you're doing well.
08 June 13 at 6:39pm
Congratulations on your new position at Kilgore College. As a former member of the Flare staff, I can assure you that you are inheriting a great program created by an outstanding person. I'm sure you will enjoy working with the students, staff and administration. Once again, congratulations and I wish you the best of luck with your new position.
16 June 13 at 11:35am
Thanks for the kind words, Craig. Sorry for the delay in replying. I didn't see your comment on the "About" section of the blog. I am well aware I have big shoes to fill and will certainly do my best to uphold a fine tradition. Take care and hope to see you at the alumni luncheon in September. Best, Gary B.
29 June 13 at 4:48pm
Thank for the sweet and uplifting memory of Rayford. We were neighbors in Nacogdoches back in the 90's. I recall a day he came from golf and walked all the way around his yard very cautiously as he did not want to scare the concrete cardinal in the birdbath. A great man!
30 June 13 at 9:16am
Patti: Thanks for the kind words and taking the time to write. I'm glad you got to know Rayford as well. Take care, Gary B.
07 August 13 at 4:30pm
Well researched and written. Email me sometime. I have some red cedar rough cut u might swap some books for.
16 August 13 at 12:17pm
For some reason, I cannot see a single thing I am typing. It's like ghost typing and it's creepy... Anyways, I do not take all the credit for my son's love of the written (typed) word but I would like to point out that I was just such a reader in my youth. and I am still such a reader. I go through several books a week and have so many that they are spilling out of my bookshelves and are stacked everywhere in a potentially murderous pile. I don't care. I love them. Reading is wonderful fuel for the imagination and I've encouraged such a love since Connor was very small. If I do nothing else for my son ever, at least I have helped to do this: foster a love for reading. I apologize for any errors as, again, I can't see a single thing I've written.
19 August 13 at 7:35pm
Sorry you can't see what you were typing, Shalon. I don't know why it does that on some computers. Certainly the fact you read and encourage Connor to do so has a huge impact. He talks about how much you read. Again, sorry for the glitch.
29 August 13 at 8:47pm
Very happy got you. Far too many of us get put out to pasture before we are ready. It,s good to see you back in the saddle doing something you know, love and are good at. A very good way to grow old.
30 August 13 at 3:26pm
Hi Randy: I'm thrilled to have come back in from the pasture. It's going to be a lot of fun and hard work. Thanks for your kind comments and stay in touch. Best, gb
30 August 13 at 10:00am
Hi Gary, I “re-invented” myself a year ago after leaving the Sentinel (30 years) and moving to SFA as director of arts information for the College of Fine Arts. Starting my second year here now, I still have the deer-in-the-headlights look many days, but not every day. You’ll do fine at Kilgore; think about how many of us you have “taught” over the years. Congrats on your new chapter, and best of luck. Robbie
30 August 13 at 3:24pm
Hi Robbie: It is good to hear from you. I was wondering what your were doing these days. Thanks for the kind words. I am sure this is going to be a great adventure, though I will always miss those heady days in the newsroom. You did a fine job as managing editor, and I'm sure you are an asset to SFA. Take care, gb
28 November 13 at 12:37pm
28 November 13 at 6:16pm
Thanks for your prayers and taking the time to write. Regards, Gary B.
28 November 13 at 1:26pm
Thank you for sharing this wonderful story of a man that few knew but that we all aspire to be like. Our thoughts and prayers remain with Mr. Reel and your family.
28 November 13 at 6:15pm
Thank you, Tom, for taking the time to write. We appreciate your prayers.
28 November 13 at 3:40pm
Gary, As a health care worker, as a citizen of the Ark-La-Tex, as the daughter and daughter-in-law of two veterans who are no longer with us, I would like to offer you all my prayers, good thoughts, and wishes for you and your family. No sense can be made of an incident like what happened to Mr. Teel, so I won't attempt to understand it or offer you rationalizations. I only want to let you know that all of you are in our hearts this Thanksgiving. Bless all of you, but especially Mr. Teel. Becky Carroll Louisiana
28 November 13 at 6:15pm
Thank you for your kind words and prayers. Regards, Gary B.
29 November 13 at 12:07am
So sad. My thoughts and prayers are with this family. Praying for a speedy recovery.
29 November 13 at 11:15pm
Thank you for your prayers. God Bless. Gary B.
06 December 13 at 6:22am
[...] away at 3:25 a.m. Thursday, Dec. 5. (If you missed last week’s piece, you can read it here: Once again, I am struck by the devotion and care these nurses provide to their patients. “I love [...]
13 December 13 at 9:51am
[...] you’re just now arriving at this story, please go to these two articles: ( and [...]
13 December 13 at 9:54am
[...] (If you’re just now arriving at this story, please go to these two articles: ( and [...]
17 January 14 at 6:45pm
Unfortunately, the McDonald's fries that killed people 20 years ago aren't the same as the ones that kill people nowadays. Thank you, vegans.
31 January 14 at 7:54pm
Nailedit. World is a better place because of Pete and other like people
14 March 14 at 8:22am
Love the stories about your family. Floyd
29 May 14 at 8:49pm
I cannot figure out why an east Texas boy would want to watch the Red Sox in a World Series, but I'm sure that's in a column somewhere. ;-) As for cutting the cord — we did it six months ago (Roku & antenna) and are quite pleased with our decision.
29 May 14 at 10:03pm
Adam, I was born in New Hampshire and lived there until I was nearly 13. My mother's family are all Red Sox fans, so I had no choice. My parents moved to Longview in 1968. In 1967, my dad took me, my brother Scott and a buddy to Fenway on the next-to-last game of the year, when the Sox tied for the lead in the American League. They clinched the AL pennant the next day. I have an autographed baseball from Carl Yaztremski (sp) from when he won the Triple Crown that year, a feat that was only duplicated last season. I paid way too much money in 2007 to watch Game One of the World Series in Fenway. (Back when I was making good money as a publisher. Sigh. I always figured eventually they would find me out and know I had risen far above my raising.) Anyway, I have loved the Red Sox since I was able to read. It's in my Yankee, French-Canadian genes. Julie, Abbie and I will be sitting behind home plate at Fenway on June 16. There are few places I would rather be than Fenway on a summer evening. Cheeers! gb
11 July 14 at 4:57pm
Gary, My name is Wayne Greer and in 1969 I was the composing room machinist at the Longview News. I can relate to all the items that you mentioned. I still have a make up rule that I carried in my pocket for many, many years, Miss thowe day in a way.
13 July 14 at 8:53am
Thanks for writing, Wayne.In 1969, I was the short kid with black-frame glasses who would wander through the composing room, fascinated by the process.
11 July 14 at 11:07pm
Greetings Gary... We're on the same page.
13 July 14 at 8:54am
Very nice, Russell.
19 July 14 at 6:38am
Gary, I also remember these tools, as well as the blue line pencil. I'm thrilled that my son will be learning the business from someone with such talent, experience, and obviously respect for the importance of the written word. I look forward to checking out Mount Pleasant in the near future.
21 July 14 at 10:34am
Connie: I forgot all about those blue-line pencils. I really look forward to Tanner joining us. I know he'll learn a lot and also contribute a great deal to the paper. The sooner the better!
08 August 14 at 10:51am
Wise words from such a young man! I agree with your words, wholeheartedly! thanks! Robin
30 August 14 at 4:25pm
Excellent review (and primer for non-Willie folks). I own 21 Willie solo albums, including this latest one. Indeed, it's a comforting listen.
31 August 14 at 6:50pm
Thanks, Adam. God Bless Willie Nelson.
06 March 15 at 11:01am
And Sam said "....
06 March 15 at 11:34am
I just reposted it. I missed cutting and pasting the last four paragraphs. Sorry about that. gb
06 March 15 at 4:33pm
He was a great Christian and and wonderful friend!
21 August 15 at 1:50pm
Way back when, you weren't the youngest publisher, I was. Let me know if you find a place with a good single malt for 53cents. Enjoy your seniority. I still don't know what I want to be when I grow up either. Jonathan
31 August 15 at 8:43am
Wow, that's a really clever way of thninikg about it!
05 October 15 at 3:57pm
my mother remembers this day as well. She had been telling me the story of her aunt that had TB and was a guest of the sanatorium in pembroke. You may also remember that. She then went on to tell me of her other aunt, Loretta, who strangled Susan. She remembers her father's heartbreak as he told her what his sister had done. You're not alone in this memory, that's all I wanted to share. Thank you, Sheila
07 October 15 at 9:27am
Thank you for taking the time to write. It was one of those tragedies that has been seared into my memory. I do not remember the place in Pembroke, but I was just a kid. Take care.
18 February 17 at 11:47pm
Gary, i love your wife, too! I have the fondest memories of her as a professor and friend. Please do tell her how much I still think of her. I'm so profoundly happy to hear that you are well and happy! Eva
28 April 17 at 7:04pm
Our dads were giants in their respective fields, weren't they? While cleaningg out Mama's house I found a picture your dad drew of John Wayne. So detailed. I have it, and would send it to you. If you would like to contact me with an address, I would be happy to get it to you. Great story about your dad.
28 April 17 at 8:36pm
Thanks, Mitzi. The John Wayne pic is a print, and I have a few hundred of them. It's very kind of you to offer to send it to me, but I have plenty. Please keep it, or give it to someone who will appreciate it. Regards, Gary B.
29 April 17 at 3:44pm
I think 30 decades is a little too much. If my "old school math" still works, that equates to something like 300 years. Still love your columns - over decades. Floyd
06 June 17 at 12:42pm
Gary, I had a memory shared on facebook today written by you about Dr. Sadler and the last 9 days of Mr. Teel's life. It was so touching especially considering the horrible events that occurred that day.After I re-read your post, I began looking at your site. You are a great writer and I loved the story of Rosie. It was all I could do to keep from looking at the end to see how it came out. I live in Hallsville but I grew up in Gilmer. I went to school with Julie, she may or may not remember me, as Marsha Martin. We weren't in the same class, I didn't know her well but I always thought she was so sweet and had a beautiful spirit. I think Jim used to be married to a friend's daughter, Shalon Bunn. Their child is about the same age as my grandson. My sister, Cara Wallace, now Smith, lives in Avinger but goes to Hopewell Methodist out from Gilmer, and last I heard Jim still goes there. So much of Rosie's story hit home with me. I am about to message my sister to read this article, she will enjoy it too. I just wanted to say "small world" and I also prayed along with many, when Mr. Teel was injured. I was a L&D nurse there for 17 years. Did you ever hear the story about Dr. Sadler diagnosing his own abdominal aneurysm ? It is a story I loved and admired. I hope Rosie is still with you and doing well.
06 June 17 at 1:49pm
Thanks for the kind words, Marsha and I will tell Julie you wrote. Regards, Gary B.
23 June 17 at 9:10am
Great story, Gary.
01 August 17 at 9:36am
Man 25 inches is great! I have only managed 20 so far and it scares the crap out of me.
09 October 17 at 9:52am
What a saga, Gary! The really concerning thing is the high blood pressure. I didn't know about the blood thinners. Why are you on them? A friend of mine from undergraduate days has been on blood thinners for a long time but just got the okay to get off them. It's possible that the much healthier diet she got on has made the difference.
18 November 17 at 5:25pm
Gary! You did it! It is a slog sometimes, but the focus gets you there. I can't wait to see it.
18 November 17 at 5:40pm
Thanks, Gary.I'll let you know when it is actually published.
19 November 17 at 5:20pm
Gary, I really look forward to reading it. Henry would have liked you a lot.
19 November 17 at 5:36pm
Thanks, Gary. That's probably the highest compliment you could have paid me, from what I have learned about Henry.