Summertime, and the Reading Was Easy

by admin | August 31, 2023 5:07 pm

Like most folks who could afford or are able to do so, I have spent most of this summer inside, much of it reading books. Recovering from shoulder surgery provided an excellent — and legitimate — excuse to curl up with a book while listening to music through my hearing aids, which are Bluetooth enabled.

This slightly annoyed my Beautiful Mystery Companion, who would be talking to me without receiving a reply, because I could not hear her. She has a hard time comprehending how I can read, or write, with music blaring in my ears. I chalk it up to my decades spent knocking out stories, columns, and editorials in a newsroom, which is not a quiet workplace. There was always plenty of banter among the crew, the police scanner was constantly chattering, and distractions were plentiful.

With the trifecta of our wedding anniversary, Father’s Day and my birthday all occurring with a few months of each other, I received a nice selection of books at my request. These added to the pile of unread books already staring balefully at me. I had to start a second pile of to-be-read books. I am going on a book-buying hiatus until the two piles are whittled down.

Taking two graduate courses at UNT last spring reduced my recreational reading time, so the summer — where I received three hours’ academic credit for working from home in the LeTourneau archives — provided a chance to devour some delicious books, both fiction and non-fiction. Here is a sampling of my summer reads in case any of these catch your fancy.

There are several other books that kept me company indoors this summer. You can check the complete list on my Goodreads page (


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