Celebrating a Decade Together

by admin | February 16, 2018 8:59 am

We met a decade ago this month. I had just moved to Longview to become the publisher of the Longview News-Journal, where I began my newspaper career as a paperboy in 1968. I wrote a column about unpacking a treasure trove of books, which surround me now in this office. My Beautiful Mystery Companion-to-be had just celebrated a milestone birthday. She emailed and asked if we could have coffee and get acquainted, as long as I was not married. I wasn’t, so I used Google to figure out she was a college professor[1] and had a daughter. Maybe I will make a new friend, I thought. So did she.

A few days later I walked up the alley from the paper to the coffee shop in what was then called the Weaver Building. She crossed the alley just as I got to the sidewalk, and that was that. We have been together since, ten years of joy and tragedy, sickness and health. In June, we’ll celebrate our seventh wedding anniversary. As always, I consider myself a lucky man that she “picked me,” as she likes to say.

Here are a few of the many things I love about my BMC, aside from the fact she puts up with me, no easy task:.

There is a Jason Isbell song that has been stuck in my head for days, especially the chorus:

It’s knowing that this can’t go on forever

Likely one of us will have to spend some days alone

Maybe we’ll get forty years together

But one day I’ll be one

Or one day you’ll be gone

Maybe we will get 40 years together. Maybe not. Either way, I plan to enjoy every day that we share. Thanks and love, Julie.

  1. [Image]: http://garyborders.com/pages/celebrating-a-decade-together/us-in-edgartown/

Source URL: https://garyborders.com/pages/celebrating-a-decade-together/