Archive: September, 2024 - Gary Borders

Trying to Jump Start the Next Project

I have embarked on the latest long-form writing project, after doing research off and on since the COVID-19 pandemic confined us to our homes in 2020. Being housebound was the impetus, as well as discovering nearly all of the primary sources I needed to compile were now available online – something that was not the case when I first delved into this topic nearly 40 years ago. As always, getting started is difficult. But it is necessary. I could continue to keep traveling down online rabbit holes, looking for more information. That is one way to put off the arduous work of actually organizing...


Autumn Beckons, Hogs Going Wild

09.01.2024 – The air is markedly cooler on this Sunday morning, the first day of September in a year that has flown by – as all years do at this season of my life. I wake up one morning and it is spring, roll over and it is summer, get up to fall knocking at the door, back in bed and it is winter. At least, that is how it feels. By cooler, I mean the temperature this morning was about 70 degrees as I headed out the door, a half dozen degrees below the lows recorded each morning during the dog days. The highs are still drifting into the 90s by mid-afternoon. Still, summer has been put on notice...