Archive: May, 2017 - Gary Borders

A Beloved Troubadour Dies

I was born here and I'll die here against my will I know it looks like I'm moving but I'm standing still Every nerve in my body is so vacant and numb I can't even remember what it was I came here to get away from Don't even hear the murmur of a prayer It's not dark yet, but it's getting there — “Not Dark Yet,” Sung by Jimmy LaFave, Written by Bob Dylan


On Satire and Fake News

I started reading fake news as a kid, saving the money I earned shoveling snow to buy Mad magazine with its “What Me, Worry?” mascot Alfred E. Neuman. His gap-toothed clueless smile, freckled nose and jug ears in various personas graced most every cover. Inside, the content included the type of satire that appealed to kids who had a bit of knowledge of current affairs. From there, I graduated to National Lampoon, which contained more sophisticated satire, some of which was indisputably tasteless. The magazine had to apologize for a fake Volkswagen Beetle ad, which played off a real ad claiming...


Troop 201 Turns 100

We gathered on the grounds of the venerable Boy Scout cabin of Troop 201, at Teague Park in Longview on a gorgeous cool Saturday in early May. Several hundred former Scouts and supporters milled about, preparing to celebrate the troop’s centennial and open a time capsule buried 50 years ago. As we stood in line to fill up on Bodacious Barbecue and the trimmings, vaguely familiar faces walked by, most wearing name tags. These were men with whom I went camping, on hikes, and spent weeks at Camp Pirtle, run back then by my grandfather. He was field director for the East Texas Area Council. Practically...


Some Mystery Plants in Our Garden

As I previously mentioned, for the first time in nearly three decades I have planted a vegetable garden on a piece of land behind where I hold my day job. Unlike at our house, this garden gets great sunshine, has a water sprinkler easily accessible and was already tilled by another charity next door that has a much larger plot. Its director generously gave me a 12-foot by 12-foot piece. So on a Sunday afternoon in early April, when it was obvious freezing weather would not return, I headed to the Big Box Store to purchase vegetables. I bought two varieties of tomatoes — Best Boy and cherry...